Public Housing Association of Residents

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The Public Housing Association of Residents (PHAR) was founded in 1998 to build grassroots leadership among public housing residents in Charlottesville, Virginia. PHAR's mission is "to empower low-income residents to protect and improve our own communities through collective action."

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PHAR joined a lawsuit against the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority in June 2012 claiming that the authority was charging excessive utility fees. [1]


A February 2013 report from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development questioned whether PHAR was serving all residents. PHAR responded with a press conference at which they claimed they did. [2]

Election 2013

PHAR conducted a questionnaire of the five candidates seeking two Democratic nominations for the Charlottesville City Council in June 2013. Lees also participated in a questionnaire on public housing conducted by PHAR. [3]


  1. Web. Public Housing Residents File Lawsuit Against CRHA, Whitney Harris, NBC29, June 7, 2012, retrieved January 14, 2013.
  2. Web. Housing authority responds to report, Ted Strong, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, March 25, 2013, retrieved March 27, 2013.
  3. Web. [ Questionnaire for City Council Candidatesurl=], June 4, 2013, retrieved June 10, 2013.

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