October 31

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← October 30 Calendar Icon.png This article is a date. You can help Cvillepedia by listing especially noteworthy events. See Help:Dates for more information. November 1 →

Significant events that happened (or will happen) on October 31.


  • 1906 – President and Mrs. Roosevelt, left Washington at 11:15 o'clock over the Southern Railway, en-route to “Pine Knot,” Albemarle county. [1]They were accompanied by Surgeon-General Rixey and occupied the private Pullman car, “Signet,” which was attached to the rear of the train. The train passed through Charlottesville on Train No. 53, at 2:20 this afternoon and reached North Garden where the special car was side-tracked. Mrs. Roosevelt took off her hat and smiled at those few persons standing on the station platform. All entered a pony “trap, driven by a colored man from Mr. Joseph Wilmer’s farm, and in a few minutes were off for ‘Pine Knot.’”[2]
  • 1938 – This being the night after Orson Welles’ infamous dramatization of War of the Worlds (a realistic radio dramatization of a Martian invasion of Earth), seventy-five students and residents of Central Virginia observed Mars through the Leander McCormick Observatory's 26-inch telescope to allay their fears of an invasion from outer space.[3] [4]
  • 1940 – The City's Recreation Department and the Lion's Club hold a Halloween parade in Downtown Charlottesville from Midway School to the Armory. [5]
  • 1959 – The Schuyler Elementary School Parent Teacher Association holds a talk on "Advantages of Having an Eighth Grade in Schools of Nelson County" [6]
  • 1960 – Court hearing begins for Charlottesville's request to annex 2,831 acres of Albemarle County which would bring the city to a size of more than 10 square miles. The three-judge panel heard testimony over whether the request met the conditions of state annexaton laws and considered a financial payment to Albemarle. The request included the Barracks Road Shopping Center, the United States Instrument Corporation, and Sperry Piedmont Company. The Daily Progress reports that more than 1,000 residents of the affected land opposed the move. [7]




  1. Web. President A-Hunting, The evening times. (Grand Forks, N.D.), October 31, 1906, retrieved October 29, 2022.
  2. Web. The President Passes Through, Staff, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, Daily Progress, Wednesday October 31, 1906, retrieved October 29, 2022.
  3. Web. Leander McCormick Telescope Shows No Mobilization On Mars, Staff, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, Tuesday November 1, 1938, retrieved October 29, 2022.
  4. Web. FRIENDS OF THE MCCORMICK OBSERVATORY, UVA Arts & Sciences Digital Communications, October 29, 2022, retrieved October 29, 2022.
  5. Web. Hallowe'en Fete Plans Under Way, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, October 15, 1940, retrieved October 15, 2022. Print. October 15, 1940 page 2.
  6. Web. PTA to Discuss New 8th Grade, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, October 29, 1959, retrieved October 29, 2022. Print. October 29, 1959 page 19.
  7. Web. Annexation Trial Begins Monday; Expected to last through Friday, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, October 29, 1960 Print. October 29, 1960 page 9.

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