Methodist Episcopal Church, South

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Charlottesville's Methodist Episcopal Church, ca. 1900
Construction began before the Civil War. In 1900, the membership of the Methodist Church in Charlottesville was about 1,000, with 550 in the Sunday-school; the pastor was Rev. G. E. Booker, D. D., considered as one of the leading pulpit orators in the state.

The Methodist Episcopal Church, South was the denomination formed in 1844 after a split with the Methodist Episcopal Church over the issue of slavery.

Methodist Episcopal Church South Register

The Methodist Episcopal Church South Register includes the membership and business of Albemarle County churches. Lists of “colored members” are also included for the years 1860 and 1863.

The following churches are in the register: Beaver Creek, Binghams, Cove Chapel, Crozet (originally Beaver Creek), Earlysville, Ebenezer, Gentrys, Ivy Creek, Mount Harmony, Mount Moriah, Mount Pleasant, North Garden, Shiloh, and Wesley Chapel.[1]

Methodist Church in Charlottesville

Charlottesville's Methodist Episcopal Church was located on the southwest corner of 2nd Street SW and Water Street. It faced 2nd Street. After its use as a church, supposedly a garage was operated out of the basement. This building was replaced by a service station, which was later remodeled into a pizza parlor. The house at the left was formerly the parsonage for the church.

The first Methodist Church in Charlottesville was originally a small brick structure, built on the site occupied the parsonage, and had a seating capacity of 350, including a gallery at the rear end. The pulpit was very high. The church was dedicated in 1835 by Bishop Emory.

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  1. Methodist Episcopal Church South Register, MS 2, Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society, Charlottesville, Va.

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