Meadowbrook Shopping Centre

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The Meadowbrook Shopping Center is a retail complex located on the southeast corner of Emmet Street and Barracks Road that is indirectly owned by Clara Belle Wheeler and the William S. Rice Real Estate company.

A proposal to build a CVS at the location was submitted to the city in 2016. [1]


The shopping center was built in 1954 by Harry Wheeler on land adjacent to Carol's Tearoom. Original tenants included a hardware store, pharmacy, a laundromat, and a car wash, and a drive-in restarant known as Gus'. [2] Wheeler died in 1981 and his wife Mary took over as landlord. In 1999, Mary's daughter Clara Belle took over management along with William S. Rice Real Estate. Tenants reported that leases grew more complicated, and the new management team took several tenants to court. Some, such as Meadowbrook Hardware, moved to other locations while others decided to stay put. New tenants came in while old tenants hung on.

Current tenants

Former tenants

Stalled redevelopment

Wheeler had submitted plans to redevelop the center as two five-story residential buildings. [4] However, the project met with opposition from nearby residents.

Wheeler and developer William Park submitted a preliminary site plan to the city on March 26, 2013 for the construction of two residential buildings that would be five stories in height. This would be known as Meadowbrook Flats.

The first phase would see one building erected on land that is currently undeveloped as soon as the city issues its approvals. The second would be built on the site of the existing shopping center, which would be redeveloped. [4] However, many nearby residents expressed concern about the project, citing what they claim as traffic problems at the intersection of Barracks Road and Emmet Street. [5] At a site plan conference on April 17, 2013, city staff told Wheeler and Park that it may be difficult to obtain a special use permit due to the additional traffic that would be generated. [6]

The second phase was dropped. [citation needed]

The Planning Commission recommended denial of a critical slopes waiver for the project to proceed as planned on October 8, 2013. The commission also deferred a decision on whether the project would be consistent with the city's entrance corridor review guidelines. [7]


A plan to demolish the AlC Copies to build a CVS surfaced in the spring of 2016. The firm Williams Mullen was hired to help Riverbend Development through the development process. A site plan conference for the CVS was held on April 6, 2016. As they did with the residential proposal, nearby residents raised concerns about traffic. [8]



  1. Web. CVS could be coming to Meadowbrook Shopping Center, Chris Suarez, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, March 30, 2016, retrieved January 2, 2017.
  2. Web. Holding Out, staff writers, C-VILLE Weekly, Portico Publications, Oct 15 2002
  3. Web. Carriage ride: Jury smacks grocer's landlord for $100K, Courtney Stuart, The Hook, Better Publications LLC, July 13, 2006, retrieved December 12, 2011. Print. July 13, 2006 , 528, .
  4. 4.0 4.1 Web. Two five-story buildings planned for Emmet/Barracks corner, Sean Tubbs, Charlottesville Tomorrow, April 11, 2013, retrieved April 29, 2013.
  5. Web. Good neighbors? Controversy brews over apartments at Meadowbrook, Courtney Stuart, The Hook, Better Publications LLC, April 11, 2013, retrieved April 29, 2013. Print. April 11, 2013 , 1215, .
  6. Web. Neighbors express concerns over Meadowbrook proposal, Sean Tubbs, Charlottesville Tomorrow, April 22, 2013, retrieved April 29, 2013.
  7. Web. City planning commission denies waiver for Meadowbrook Flats, Charlottesville Tomorrow, October 9, 2013, retrieved October 11, 2013.
  8. Web. Residents raise questions on impact of CVS on traffic, community at meeting, Chris Suarez, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, April 6, 2016, retrieved January 2, 2017.

External Links

Site of neighborhood residents concerned about project