Hosea Mitchell

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Hosea Mitchell
Former Planning Commissioner Hosea Mitchell

Charlottesville Planning Commission
Term Start June 2018
Term End August 2022 [citation needed]

Charlottesville Planning Commission
Term Start October 2006
Term End August 2008
Succeeded by Bill Emory

Biographical Information

Hosea Mitchell served on the Charlottesville Planning Commission from October 2006 until August 2008. He also served on the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority's Board of Commissioners. He was reappointed to the Planning Commission in March 2018 for a term to begin effective June 30, 2018. [citation needed]

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During his time on the Commission, Mitchell would frequently raise questions about how individual projects would affect the city's water, sewer and road infrastructure. One of the last projects to come before him was the proposed Whole Foods project on Hydraulic Road. He raised concern about the increased traffic that come as a result of the store, but voted for the preliminary site plan because the underlying zoning supported a grocery store[1].


  1. 'Commission recommends approval for new Whole Foods site plan' Charlottesville Tomorrow. 23 Jul. 2008. 12 May 2009.