Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund

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The Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund (CAHF) was established in 2007 to serve as the city's primary mechanism to supporting creation, preservation, and rehabilitation of the city's affordable housing stock. [1]

In FY22, the program is being reviewed as an offshot of the Cville Plans Together initiative. [2]


The fund was capitalized with $2.15 million in fiscal year 2008.

Another $1.4 million for the fund was included in the fiscal 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program. [3]

Norris called the program his "first major legislative proposal." At the time it was known as the Charlottesville Affordable Housing Investment Program (CAHIP). [4]

In its first years, the fund helped agencies such as the Piedmont Housing Alliance, Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP), Region 10, the Jefferson Area Board for Aging and the Dogwood Housing Limited Partnership. [5]


Dogwood Housing purchase & preservation of affordable rental units (loan not grant) 850,000.00 57
Piedmont Housing Alliance - Monticello Vista purchase and preservation 200,000.00 50
CCDC Energy Efficiency Housing Audits 35,000.00
Habitat for Humanity (construction of 10 new homes) 220,000.00 10
Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP) Housing Rehabilitation Program 279,000.00 10
Piedmont Housing Alliance - Virnita Court Apartments rental property preservation 169,000.00 16
Piedmont Housing Alliance Workforce Housing Fund / Down payment Assistance & Closing Costs 150,000.00 8
Piedmont Housing Alliance - renovation of historic property at 223 4th Street SW with accessory unit addition 50,000.00
JABA Homeshare Study 15,000.00
CRHA Strategic Planning for Redevelopment 210,000.00
Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE) rehab of Mitchell House Facility and Rental Subsidy 35,113.00
Region 10 –Step Up Pilot Rent Subsidy Initiative for Mentally Impaired / Substance Abuse Individuals 235,887.00
Habitat for Humanity Proposals 1 -3 200,000.00 11
SUBTOTAL 2,649,000.00 162
Virginia Supportive Housing Single Room Occupancy Development (broken out by pro-rata share of funding. 41 units claimed with funding from 09/10 & 10/11) 347,000.00 19
AHIP Emergency Housing Rehabilitation 50,000.00 39
AHIP Small Homeowner Rehab / Handicap Access Program (assisted units are included with the 39 shown under the AHIP Emergency Housing Repair program) 85,000.00
AHIP Housing Rehabilitation Program 30,363.00 2
Piedmont Housing Alliance Foreclosure Prevention Program 20,000.00 2
Habitat for Humanity LEED Duplex at Paton Street 144,637.00 2
Habitat for Humanity - ecoMOD #4 Utility Connections (104 Elliott Avenue) 10,000.00 1
CRHA Master Planning with PHAR 100,000.00
608 Ridge Street ecoREMOD House 100,000.00 1
TJACH Start-up cost related to First Street Church Homeless Shelter (a.k.a. the Haven) 12,500.00
Habitat for Humanity Paton Street Neighborhood Infrastructure 100,000.00 27
Piedmont Housing Alliance Monticello Vista Apartment (acquisition and rehab) 50,000.00
Thomas Jefferson Community Land Trust - startup expenses 15,000.00
HOME program match 140,000.00
Habitat for Humanity - ecoMOD #4 Site Improvements 25,000.00
Housing Advisory Committee Related Expenses (e.g., meals) 1,688.85
Region 10 - Step Up (Year 2) Rent Subsidy Initiative for Mentally Impaired / Substance Abuse Individuals 100,000.00
Habitat for Humanity - ecoMOD 4 Site Work at 104 Elliott Avenue 26,000.00
Region 10 –Step Up Pilot Rent Subsidy Initiative for Mentally Impaired / Substance Abuse Individuals 2,143.00
Piedmont Housing Alliance Down payment Assistance Program 50,000.00 9
Charlottesville Free Paint Program (note funds not used carry forward and units assisted are shown in correct fiscal year) 25,000.00 16
SUBTOTAL 1,434,331.85 118
AHIP Housing Rehabilitation Program 100,000.00 3
Virginia Supportive Housing Single Room Occupancy Development (broken out by pro-rata share of funding. 20 units claimed with funding from 08/09 & 10/11) 723,000.00 40
PHAR Bama Works Grant Matching Funds 25,000.00
LPDA Design Concept for Elliott Avenue 5,049.00
Virginia State Neighborhood Conference 500
HOME extra program match 31,875.40
Charlottesville Free Paint Program (assisted units shown by year utilizing remaining funds from prior allocation) 0 18
SUBTOTAL 885,424.40 61
HOME Match 40,000.00
Elliott Avenue Subdivision Survey - Southside MMM 3,850.00
Elliott Avenue Design Charrette 5,000.00
AHIP Emergency Housing Repair 50,000.00 26
Housing Conditions & Land Use Survey 39,622.93
ecoREMOD – 608 Ridge Street (includes storm windows & sewer repair) 138,837.75
AHIP Housing Rehabilitation 100,000.00 2
Elliott Avenue Site Work & Environmental Testing Work 6,140.15
Habitat for Humanity Sunrise Development (land purchase and predevelopment expenses for homes at the Sunrise Development) 400,000.00 32
ASG Rental Subsidies for Persons with HIV/AIDS 15,000.00
PHAR Match for Bama Works Grant 25,000.00
PHA Down payment Assessment Program 40,000.00 12
Virginia Supportive Housing Single Room Occupancy Development (broken out by pro-rata share of funding. 59 units claimed with funding from 08/09 & 09/10) 23,560.12 1
Charlottesville Free Paint Program (note funds not used carry forward and units assisted are shown in correct fiscal year) 15,000.00 35
Administrative & Other Expenses 44,486.73
SUBTOTAL 946,497.68 73
Housing Planner Salary & Benefits - Transfer to General Fund 89,179.00
JABA Timberlake Acquisition (initial funding) 500,000.00 26
Habitat Paton Street Acquisition/Build - Region 10 & Thomas Jefferson Community Land Trust Units 685,000.00 3
JABA Timberlake Acquisition (supplemental funding) 117,000.00
JABA Market Study Sunrise 10,500.00
Building Goodness - Assistance with Building Goodness in April Event 20,000.00
AHIP Emergency Housing Repair 50,000.00 29
AHIP Housing Rehabilitation 120,000.00 6
Habitat and AHIP Build a Block Planning Funds 35,000.00
Habitat Down Payment Assistance Program for Sunrise Development (32 affordable units shown with 10/11 land purchase and predevelopment assistance) 15,000.00
CALM- Planning Grant for 991 5th Street S.W. (property to be used for Harmony Ridge development) 11,000.00
Section 3 Coordinator Salary & Benefits 25,000.00
Acquisition of Properties at 8th Street N.W. adjacent to Westhaven through Habitat for Humanity 140,000.00
8th Street N.W. adjacent to Westhaven - extra closing costs 3,000.00
Motivation Inc. Section 3 training 2,499.00
Thomas Jefferson Community Land Trust - Cleveland Ave Site Preparation 5,700.00 2
8th Street N.W. Demolition of Houses at 204 and 210 8th St N.W. 15,650.00
Virginia Supportive Housing - Crossings at 4th & Preston Housing Vouchers 45,500.00
CRHA Administration - Crossings at 4th & Preston Housing Vouchers 4,536.76
Charlottesville Free Paint Program (assisted units shown by year utilizing remaining funds from prior allocation) 0 48
Administrative Expenses 25,824.42
SUBTOTAL 1,920,389.18 114
Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority Administrative Support 100,000.00
PHAR - Match for Bama Works 25,000.00
Virginia Supportive Housing - Crossings at 4th & Preston Housing Vouchers 156,492.00
CRHA Administration - Crossings at 4th & Preston Housing Vouchers 17,617.32
Promise Neighborhood Architectural Design for 210 8th Street N.W. 20,000.00
AHIP Emergency Housing Repair (includes both $50K and $100K allocations) 150,000.00 55
AHIP Housing Rehabilitation 200,000.00 23
HOME Match 58,000.00
Section 3 Coordinator Salary & Benefits 55,000.00
Habitat for Humanity Belmont Cottages 300,000.00 6
AHIP Block By Block Charlottesville (BXBC) Project 400,000.00 12
MACAA Hope House Program Expenses 40,000.00
Charlottesville Free Paint Program (assisted units shown by year utilizing remaining funds from prior allocation) 0 16
Administrative Expenses 30,000.00
SUBTOTAL 1,552,109.32 100
Virginia Supportive Housing - Crossings at 4th & Preston Housing Vouchers 87,121.00 5
CRHA Administration - Crossings at 4th & Preston Housing Vouchers 15,416.01
CRHA Playground Equipment Purchase 100,000.00
HOME Match 16,712.00
AHIP Housing Rehabilitation (includes two separate $200K allocations) 400,000.00 10
AHIP Emergency Housing Repair (includes two separate $100K allocations) 200,000.00 49
Building Goodness Foundation - Block by Block Charlottesville (BXBC) Project 8,500.00
AHIP Block By Block Charlottesville (BXBC) Project 550,000.00 9
CALM/Habitat for Humanity/PHA 991 5th Street S.W. Development 350,000.00 8
HOME Match 20,000.00
Charlottesville Free Paint Program (note funds not used carry forward and units assisted are shown in correct fiscal year) 5,000.00 6
SUBTOTAL 1,752,749.01 87
Repayment of HOME funds used for 405 Avon St. purchase (CRHA Garage) 37,425.00
Rhodeside & Harwell, RCLCO Housing Study 62,000.00
CRHA Reserve Account 264,999.00
CRHA Modernization Coordinator 35,000.00
Virginia Supportive Housing - Rental Assistance for the Crossings 150,000.00
TJACH Spring for Housing - Short Term Rental Subsidy for the SURGE 105,000.00
AHIP Block by Block Charlottesville (BXBC) Planning Assistance 22,029.00
AHIP Emergency Repair Program Assistance 75,000.00 44
Piedmont Housing Alliance - Carlton Views LIHTC Project Assistance (only half of 54 units claims as additional funds provided in FY 15/16) 475,000.00 27
Piedmont Housing Alliance - Orangedale & Prospect DPA Program 181,125.00 10
Charlottesville Free Paint Program (assisted units shown by year utilizing remaining funds from prior allocation) 0 17
Administration 1% Reserve/Set Aside 18,560.37
SUBTOTAL 1,426,138.37 98
Piedmont Housing Alliance - Carlton Views LIHTC Project Assistance (only half of 54 units claims as additional funds provided in FY 14/15) 475,000.00 27
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville - DPA for High/Mixed Income Scattered Site Area 225,000.00 10
AHIP Scattered Site Rehabilitation 264,000.00 8
AHIP Block by Block Charlottesville (BXBC) 10th & Page Phase 2 264,000.00 7
AHIP BXBC Orangedale & Prospect Phase 1 462,000.00 19
AHIP Emergency Repair Program Assistance 100,000.00 48
Design Develop - ADU Workbook 4,950.00
Piedmont Housing Alliance - Friendship Court Pre-development Planning 350,000.00
CDBG Repayment to HUD for Disallowed Cost 4,600.00
Charlottesville Free Paint Program (assisted units shown by year utilizing remaining funds from prior allocation) 0 15
Administration 1% Reserve/Set Aside 19,173.01
SUBTOTAL 2,168,723.01 134
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville Project 20 480,000.00 16
Virginia Organizing 264,464.00 10
AHIP Scattered Site Rehabilitation 80,023.74 3
AHIP Block by Block Charlottesville (BXBC) 10th & Page Phase 2 128,704.00 3
AHIP BXBC Orangedale & Prospect Phase 1 147,922.18 4
AHIP Neediest Case Scattered Site Rehabilitation 165,000.00 2
AHIP Neediest Case Emergency Repair Program 55,000.00 2
Thomas Jefferson Community Land Trust Nassau Street Project 240,000.00 4
SUBTOTAL 1,561,113.92 44
2017/18 (estimated)
Carlton Views II 1,440,000.00 48
Community Services Housing 612,500.00 35
AHIP Scattered Site Rehabilitation 803,666.00 22
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville Project 20 480,000.00 16
Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority - Charlottesville Supplemental Rental Assistance Program 900,000.00 79
Charlottesville Landlord Risk Reduction Fund 75,000.00 39
SUBTOTAL 4,311,166.00 239
TOTAL 20,552,642.74 1,136



Council made the first allocations from the fund at their meeting on December 17, 2007 with a transfer of $850,000. At the meeting, NDS Director Jim Tolbert recommended the hiring of a housing planner to oversee the $1.7 million in affordable housing contracts, using a mix of CAHF funds and Community Development Block Grant funds. [7]


In FY2009, the City Council appropriated $1.4 million to the Charlottesville Housing Fund. [8]

On May 18, 2009 Council made $585,000 in allocations from the fund, leaving a balance at the time of $372,357. Staff recommended against projects from MACAA and the Folsom group. At the time, Councilor David Brown expressed concern that the process was too opaque for Council. Several changes were made to the staff recommendation from the dais. [9]

On July 6, 2009, Council reduced the allocation for AHIP by $144,637. That money was transferred to Habitat for Humanity. [10]

On July 20, 2009, the Council made the following allocations:

  • An additional $150,000 for Virginia Supportive Housing (SRO)
  • $100,000 to Region Ten for rent subsidies and counseling
  • An additional $20,000 for HOME Match
  • $50,000 for the Charlottesville Community Foundation and Piedmont Housing Alliance for down payment assistance
  • $50,000 to help AHIP pay for emergency repairs
  • $2,143 to Region Ten for cover a shortage from FY08
  • $85,000 for Small Rehab/Handicap Access
  • An additional $20,000 to pay for the City’s new housing position
  • $25,000 for utility work for EcoMod4 being built on Elliot Avenue
  • $2,000 to pay for Housing Advisory Committee meeting expenses

At this meeting, there was a discussion of spending up to $170,000 on a Housing Leader position to oversee the program. [11] [12]


For FY2010, Council appropriated $1 million to the fund. [13]

On July 20, 2009, Council made the following allocations[11]:

  • $225,000 to VSH to complete City’s $500,000 commitment
  • $100,000 to pay for the second year of the Housing Leader position
  • $100,000 to pay for AHIP’s housing rehabilitation project [14]


For FY2011, Council appropriated $1.2 million to the fund. [15]


For FY2012, Council appropriated $1.41 million to the fund. [16]

Projects funded

  • $140,000 to purchase two properties on 8th Street NW in advance of CRHA redevelopment [17]


For FY2013, Council appropriated $760,000 to the fund. [18]

Council voted to allocate $271,000 to pay for construction of a facility for City of Promise and also agreed to pay for costs associated with accepting lots on 8th Street from Habitat for Humanity for green space. Dave Norris voted against this use saying it was not a good use of the housing fund [19]

The Pavilion at North Grounds contributed $278,095 for its 230-unit Phase I.[20]


For FY2014, Council appropriated $1,582,154 to the fund. [21]

The Flats at West Village, previously known as the Plaza on West Main, contributed $487,490.59 in August 2013. [22]


For FY2015, Council appropriated $1,569,322 to the fund. [23]

The Pavilion at North Grounds contributed $59,522.31 for its 70-unit Phase II. [24]


For FY2016, Council appropriated $1,569,322 to the fund for the second year in a row. [25]

In May 2016, Council accepted $200,000 from the developers of the Marriott Residence Inn, with a note for the remaining $100,000 payable next year.[26] That amount was paid on February 28, 2017. [citation needed]

The Uncommon contributed $331,450.68 in November 2015.[27]


For FY2017, Council appropriated $1,699,602 to the fund. [28]

The Standard contributed $664,776.63 in December 2016.[29]

On April 17, 2017, Council agreed to spend $240,000 from the fund on a request from the Thomas Jefferson Community Land Trust to purchase four lots on Nassau Street. The plan is to partner with Habitat for Humanity to build affordable units. [30]


For FY2018, Council appropriated $2,449,602 to the fund. [31]

Riverbend Development agreed to pay $100,000 in installments for the 24 homes in the Water Street Promenade PUD. The payments for the first 11 homes, totaling $45,883.26, were received December 12, 2017.[32]

Cedars Court Apartments contributed $42,407.62 in February 2018 for its special use permit approved by City Council on December 5, 2016.[33]

The Kenilworth contributed $75,779.68 in May/June 2018 for its special use permit approved by City Council on June 1, 2015. [34]


For FY2019, Council appropriated $3,399,204 to the fund. [35]


For FY2020, Council appropriated $800,000 to the fund. However, beginning with this, specific affordable housing projects were inserted as specific iine items, including over $5.5 million for Piedmont Housing Alliance's redevelopment of Friendship Court [36]

Virginia Supportive Housing received $670,000 in CAHF funding for the Crossings II project at 405 Levy Avenue and 405 Avon Street but agreed to return the money after deciding to postpone the project for another year. [37]

The Albemarle Housing Improvement Program received $42,000 of a $600,000 request.

On June 15, 2020 Charlottesville City Council voted to use CAHF balance for mortgage and rent relief. [38] [39]


Due to the economic uncertainty related to the pandemic, no dollars were allocated to the fund in this fiscal year. [40]


Council allocated $925,000 to the fund, and also committed over $3 million to the Friendship Court redevelopment. [41]

Contributions over time from developers

In addition to taxpayer dollars, the fund also receives money from developers. Under Section 34-12 of the zoning ordinance, allowed by state law HB 883 in 2008 and adopted unanimously by City Council on July 10, 2008[42][43], developers are required to provide affordable housing units upon approval of a rezoning or special use permit for a residential or mixed-use project. In lieu of providing such affordable housing, developers may make a cash contribution to the fund of $2 per square foot of area above 1.0 Floor Area Ratio (FAR). For mixed-use projects, the required contribution is multiplied by the fraction of residential floor area.

Between 2012 and July 2017, the fund received over $2 million in contributions according to city housing coordinator Stacy Pethia. [44]

List of developer contributions

Date Project Amount Developer Notes
2023? 2005 Jefferson Park Avenue $568,800.00[45] Aspen Heights Voluntary donation above required contribution
2023? 2005 Jefferson Park Avenue $484,279.78[45] Aspen Heights Pending site plan approval
2022? 923 Harris Street $19,571.97[46] Pending site plan approval
2018-05 The Kenilworth $75,779.68 Neighborhood Properties
2017-12 Water Street Promenade $45,883.26 Riverbend Development 11/24 of total $100,000
2016-12 The Standard $664,776.63 Landmark Properties
2016-05 Marriott Residence Inn $300,000.00 Charles Wendell
2015-11 The Uncommon $331,450.68 CA Student Living
2015-02 Pavilion at North Grounds $59,522.31 Peak Campus Development 70-unit Phase II
2013-08 Flats at West Village $487,490.59 Ambling University Development Group and

Riverbend Development

2012-07 Pavilion at North Grounds $278,095.00 Peak Campus Development 230-unit Phase I

External Links

official website


  1. Web. Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund, Government Website, City of Charlottesville, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 2, 2021.
  2. Web. August 2, 2021: Council discusses tax increases to help cover $60 million Buford upgrades; CAAR releases 2nd quarter sales report, Sean Tubbs, Charlottesville Community Engagement, Town Crier Productions, August 2, 2021, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  3. Web. Is affordable housing available in “The best place to live in America”?, Fania Gordon, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, March 13, 2009, retrieved January 2, 2017.
  4. Web. CAHIP, Dave Norris, Blog post, Dave Norris, December 4, 2006, retrieved January 2, 2017.
  5. Web. City Council debates options for investing affordable housing money, Sean Tubbs, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, April 25, 2008, retrieved January 2, 2017.
  6. Web. 2017 Housing Report, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  7. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, December 17, 2007.
  8. Web. Fiscal Year Adopted City of Charlottesville Operation and Capital Budget, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  9. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, May 19, 2009.
  10. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, July 6, 2009.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Web. City Council allocates nearly $1 million to affordable housing projects; SRO project has received total of $500,000 from City, Sean Tubbs, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, July 22, 2009, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  12. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, July 20, 2009.
  13. Web. Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Adopted City of Charlottesville Operating and Capital Budget, Budget, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  14. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, July 20, 2009.
  15. Web. Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Adopted City of Charlottesville Operating and Capital Budget, Budget, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  16. Web. Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Adopted City of Charlottesville Operating and Capital Budget, Budget, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  17. Web. [ Allocation of Charlottesville Housing Funds Towards the Purchase of Properties on 8th Street and Page St. - $140,000], Kathy McHugh, City of Charlottesville, October 3, 2011, retrieved September 30, 2011.
  18. Web. Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Adopted City of Charlottesville Operating and Capital Budget, Budget, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  19. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, May 20, 2013.
  20. Web. Agenda for July 16, 2012 City Council, City of Charlottesville, July 16, 2012, retrieved 2018-10-05.
  21. Web. Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Adopted City of Charlottesville Operating and Capital Budget, Budget, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  22. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, August 19 , 2013.
  23. Web. Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Adopted City of Charlottesville Operating and Capital Budget, Budget, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  24. Web. Agenda for February 2, 2015 City Council, City of Charlottesville, February 2, 2015, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  25. Web. Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Adopted City of Charlottesville Operating and Capital Budget, Budget, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  26. Web. [Charlottesville housing receives funding from new Marriott], Sean Tubbs, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, May 2, 2016, retrieved January 2, 2017.
  27. Web. Agenda for November 2, 2015 City Council, City of Charlottesville, November 2, 2015, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  28. Web. Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Adopted City of Charlottesville Operating and Capital Budget, Budget, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  29. Web. Agenda for December 19, 2016 City Council, City of Charlottesville, December 19, 2016, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  30. Web. Council grants $240,000 in funding for four land trust homes, Sean Tubbs, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, April 17, 2017, retrieved December 28, 2017.
  31. Web. Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Adopted City of Charlottesville Operating and Capital Budget, Budget, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  32. Web. Agenda for January 2, 2018 City Council, City of Charlottesville, January 2, 2018, retrieved 2018-10-06.
  33. Web. Charlottesville City Council Agenda for February 20, 2018, Stacy Pethia, Staff Report on Appropriation of Funds to the Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund (CAHF) for fulfillment of the Cedars Court Apartment ADU Cash in Lieu payment - $42,407.32, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  34. Web. Agenda for 2018-06-04 Charlottesville City Council, City of Charlottesville, 2018-06-04., retrieved 2021-02-28.
  35. Web. Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Adopted City of Charlottesville Operating and Capital Budget, Budget, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  36. Web. Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Adopted City of Charlottesville Operating and Capital Budget, Budget, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  37. Web. Crossings II postponed for at least a year, $670K to return to city, Nolan Stout, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, February 2, 2020, retrieved February 2, 2020. Print. February 2, 2020 page A1.
  38. Web. Charlottesville allocates housing fund monies to assist in pandemic relief, Nolan Stout, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, June 16, 2020, retrieved June 28, 2020.
  39. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, June 15, 2020.
  40. Web. Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Adopted City of Charlottesville Operating and Capital Budget, Budget, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  41. Web. Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Adopted City of Charlottesville Operating and Capital Budget, Budget, City of Charlottesville, retrieved August 3, 2021.
  42. Web. Memorandum: Affordable Housing Zoning Text Amendment Request, Nick Rogers, Neighborhood Planner, City of Charlottesville, July 30, 2008 (updated December 22, 2008), retrieved 2018-10-06.
  43. Web. City considers zoning changes for cell towers, historic protections, Sean Tubbs, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, June 13, 2008, retrieved 2018-10-06.
  44. E-mail. Stacy Pethia, Housing Coordinator, City of Charlottesville. "affordable housing ordinance." Message to Sean Tubbs, Charlottesville Tomorrow. July 6, 2017.
  45. 45.0 45.1 Web. Letter from Aspen Heights to NDS Director James Freas, Aspen Heights, September 7, 2022, retrieved 2022-09-26.
  46. Web. Agenda for June 14, 2022 Charlottesville Planning Commission, City of Charlottesville, June 14, 2022., retrieved 2022-09-15.