Albemarle County Circuit Court

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The Albemarle County Circuit Court is in the 16th Judicial Circuit of Virginia and physically located within Charlottesville's Court Square.

See Albemarle County Courts Relocation for more details on a potential move.

Physical space

The court is located in a structure that dates back to 1803 and is connected to the Albemarle County General District Court through a hyphen constructed in 1986. The Circuit Courthouse includes a Main Courtroom (Courtroom No. 1), Judge’s Chambers, a Jury Assembly Room, a Lawyers’ Conference room, the Bailiff’s Office, two conference rooms (2), a security Station, and restrooms on the first floor. There is also an Alternate Court Room (Courtroom No 3), Judge’s Chambers, Jury Assembly and Jury restrooms on the second floor. [1]

An assessment of the structure in 2011 revealed that it was sound, but that there were several operational deficiencies related to security, building circulation, and space allocation. [1]


Albemarle County has spent several years studying how to expand and renovate its court system to accommodate projected increases in caseloads.

In the spring of 2013, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors indicated it would like to expand the existing court in its downtown location. [2] However, in June 2014 they decided to keep open the idea of moving the court to a new complex elsewhere in the county. [3]

In May 2016, supervisors directed staff to further study a relocation of the general district court to the former Lane High School and to study the possibility of relocating administration functions to a new county office building. [4]



Albemarle County Circuit Court Judges:[5][6]

Hon. Cheryl V. Higgins, Presiding Judge

Hon. Timothy K. Sanner, Chief Judge

Hon. Dale B. Durrer

Hon. Richard E. Moore

Hon. Susan L. Whitlock

Past judges


  1. 1.0 1.1 Web. Courts Master Plan Study, Dewberry, FPW Architects, NCSC, Courts Master Plan Study, Albemarle County, September 2012, retrieved August 5, 2014.
  2. Web. Albemarle court squeeze solution now focused on downtown option, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, May 4, 2013, retrieved May 6, 2013.
  3. Web. Albemarle Supervisors still open to moving courts from Charlottesville, Sean Tubbs, Charlottesville Tomorrow, June 4, 2014, retrieved August 5, 2014.
  4. Web. Albemarle to study relocation of county office building along with courts, Sean Tubbs, Charlottesville Tomorrow, May 9, 2016, retrieved October 16, 2016.
  5. "Albemarle Circuit Court." The Official Website for the Supreme Court of Virginia. Web. 16 Dec. 2009. <>.
  6. Web. Albemarle Circuit Court, Virginia's Judaical system, March 25th 2019
  7. Web. Judge quits: Berry goes to Allen & Allen, Lisa Provence, The Hook, Better Publications LLC, Jan 18 2012

External Links
