2007 election

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2007 General Election resources
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Albemarle Voter Guide
Charlottesville Voter Guide
Campaign financing Campaign financing
Supervisor Rivanna District
City Council Charlottesville

Candidate forums
  1. Albemarle Supervisor candidate forum, Rivanna, 2007 October 17
  2. Albemarle Supervisor candidate forum, 2007 October 17
  3. Albemarle/Charlottesville candidate forum, 2007 September 12
  4. Albemarle Supervisor candidate forum, 2007 October 18
  5. Albemarle Supervisor candidate forum, 2007 August 14

Candidate forums
  1. Charlottesville City Council candidate forum, 2007 May 10
  2. Charlottesville City Council candidate forum, 2007 May 15
  3. Charlottesville City Council candidate forum, 2007 May 19
  4. Charlottesville City Council candidate forum, 2007 May 22
  5. Charlottesville City Council candidate forum, 2007 September 20
  6. Charlottesville City Council candidate forum, 2007 October 10
  7. Charlottesville City Council candidate forum, 2007 October 17
  8. Charlottesville City Council candidate forum, 2007 October 03
  9. Albemarle/Charlottesville candidate forum, 2007 September 12
Supervisor Scottsville District

Candidate forums
  1. Albemarle Supervisor candidate forum, Scottsville, 2007 October 23
  2. Albemarle Supervisor candidate forum, 2007 October 17
  3. Albemarle/Charlottesville candidate forum, 2007 September 12
  4. Albemarle Supervisor candidate forum, 2007 October 18
  5. Albemarle Supervisor candidate forum, 2007 August 14

Supervisor White Hall District

Candidate forums
  1. Albemarle Supervisor candidate forum, White Hall, 2007 October 9
  2. Albemarle Supervisor candidate forum, White Hall, 2007 October 2
  3. Albemarle Supervisor candidate forum, White Hall, 2007 September 13
  4. Albemarle Supervisor candidate forum, 2007 October 17
  5. Albemarle/Charlottesville candidate forum, 2007 September 12
  6. Albemarle Supervisor candidate forum, 2007 October 18
  7. Albemarle Supervisor candidate forum, 2007 August 14

NOTE: Charlottesville Tomorrow is a non-partisan organization covering local elections. It did not cover 2007 elections for School Board, Commonwealth's Attorney, Albemarle County Sheriff, or Soil and Water Director, Thomas Jefferson District.

On November 6, 2007 Albemarle County held local elections for three seats on the Board of Supervisors, four seats on the Albemarle County School Board, as well as for Albemarle County Commonwealth's Attorney, Albemarle County Sheriff, and Soil and Water Director, Thomas Jefferson District.

The City of Charlottesville held local elections for three seats on City Council, three seats on the Charlottesville City School Board, and Soil and Water Director, Thomas Jefferson District.

Albemarle County

Board of Supervisors

Rivanna Magisterial District

Candidates Votes %
Ken C. Boyd (R) incumbent 2,408 51.57
Marcia E. Joseph (D) 2,259 48.38
Write-In 2 0.04


Scottsville Magisterial District

Candidates Votes %
Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr. (D) incumbent 2,096 55.73
Dennis L. "Denny" King (I) 898 23.88
C. Kevin Fletcher (I) 767 20.39


White Hall Magisterial District

Candidates Votes %
Ann Huckle Mallek (D) 2,953 55.64
David C. Wyant (R) incumbent 2,350 44.28
Write-In 4 0.07


Albemarle County School Board


Candidates Votes %
Brian A. Wheeler (I) incumbent 11,095 56.18
W. Patrick Wood 8,617 43.63
Write-In 37 0.19


Rivanna District

Candidates Votes %
Ronnie J. Price, Sr. 3,179 99.25
Write-In 24 0.75


Scottsville District

Candidates Votes %
Stephen H. Koleszar (Incumbent) 2,763 99.10
Write-In 25 0.90


White Hall District

Candidates Votes %
Barbara Massie Mouly 3,767 99.13
Write-In 33 0.87


Clerk of the Court

Candidates Votes %
Debra M. Shipp (D) 11,828
John F. Dawson, Jr. (R) 6,809
Alan S. Van Clief (I) 3,227
Write-In 20


Commonwealth's Attorney

Candidates Votes %
Denise Lunsford (D) 12,190 53.00
J. L. "Jim" Camblos III (R-incumbent) 10,800 46.96
Write-In 9 0.04



Candidates Votes %
J. E. "Chip" Harding 12,613 54.57
Larry W. Claytor 10,491 45.39
Write-In 11 0.04


Soil and Water Director, Thomas Jefferson District

Candidates Votes %
Steven G. Meeks 11,301 51.52
Nicholas H. "Nick" Evans 10,550 48.09
Write-In 86 0.39


City of Charlottesville

Charlottesville City Council

Democratic nominations

David Brown announced his candidacy for a second term on April 25, 2007. [2] Other winners in the nomination were Holly Edwards and Satyendra Huja. Linda Seaman and Jennifer McKeever sought and lost the Democratic party nomination. [3]

On May 10, 2007, Charlottesville Democrats held a campaign forum for five candidates seeking three nominations in the June primary. [4]


Candidates Votes %
Satyendra Huja (D) 3,797 64.27
David E. Brown (D) incumbent 3,781 50.47
Holly Edwards (D) 3,711 49.53
Peter Kleeman (I) 2,212 na
Barbara Haskins (I) 2,111 35.73
Write-In 95 na

Overall voter turnout for this election was 25.89%. Voters could cast three votes, one for each of the three seats available, hence the percentages do not total 100%. [1][5]

Charlottesville School Board


Candidates Votes %
Kathleen M. Galvin (I) 3,240 66.27
Colette E. Blount (I) 2,972 TBD
Llezelle A. Dugger (I) 2,497 51.3
Alvin Edwards (I) 2,370 48.7
W. Grant Brownrigg (I) 1,852 38.39
Sean M. McCord (I) 1,649 33.73
Lynette B. Meynig (I) 1,182 TBD
Write-In 79 N/A


Each voter could vote for up to four candidates.[8]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 "November 6, 2007 General Election Official Results." Virginia State Board of Elections. 08 Nov. 2007. 23 June 2009 <http://www.sbe.virginia.gov/cms/Index.html>.
  2. Web. Brown Announces Bid for City Council, Sean Tubbs, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, April 25, 2007, retrieved April 17, 2018.
  3. Web. Brown, Edwards & Huja Nominated for Council, Brian Wheeler, Charlottesville Tomorrow, June 2, 2007, retrieved March 11, 2013.
  4. Web. Democrats hold first City Council Candidate Forum, Sean Tubbs, News Article, Charlottesville, Virginia, May 11, 2007, retrieved May 12, 2024.
  5. Official results City of Charlottesville, retrieved 3 July 2009.
  6. "November 6, 2007 General Election Official Results." Virginia Voter Information. Web. <https://www.voterinfo.sbe.virginia.gov/election/DATA/2007/196E44FA-8B19-4240-9A44-737216DAA55D/Unofficial/00_540_s.shtml>
  7. "Charlottesville : Past Local Elections." Charlottesville : Home. Web. <http://www.charlottesville.org/index.aspx?page=120>
  8. Deegan, Matt. "City School Board Shakeup in Works." Daily Progress. 21 Apr. 2007. Web. <http://www2.dailyprogress.com/news/cdp-news-local/2007/apr/21/city_school_board_shakeup_in_works_04_21_07_cdp-ar-86551/>

Other References

External Links

Albemarle County results from the State Board of Elections