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← 1948 Janus.jpg This article is about the year 1949
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1950 →


  • June 20 – A move to give Charlottesville its first Negro school board member was defeated by City Council by a four-to-one ballot. The city lawmakers went on to name Dr. Charles Frankel and Homer W. Walsh to new terms on the school body. According to the Daily Progress, "James M. Barr III, independent Republican member of Council elected in an upset vote last June, place the name of Dr. J. A. Jackson, Negro dentist, in nomination for a three-year term on the seven-man school board from the city at large."[1]
  • The land that was to become Fifeville Park was donated to the city by Homer W. Walsh and five other trustees.
  • October – The National Trust for Historic Preservation was founded by congressional charter to support the preservation of America’s diverse historic buildings, neighborhoods, and heritage through its programs, resources, and advocacy.
  • October 10 – Radio station WINA AM 1070 was granted its license to broadcast and signed on soon afterwards.
  • July 15 – The major period of urban renovation in the United States began with Title I of the 1949 Housing Act – Slum Clearance and Urban Redevelopment: Authorized $1 billion in loans and $500 million in capital grants over a five-year period to localities to assist slum clearance and community development and redevelopment programs. To be eligible for grants, project areas were to be predominantly residential in character either before of (sic) after redevelopment, or both.[2]
  • September 25WINA started broadcasting in the Charlottesville area.[3]
  • October 7 – President Harry Truman visited Charlottesville at stayed at a house near Monticello called Colle [4]
  • October 8 – Charlottesville Mayor Gus Tebell names three people to an emergency committee to study the city's needs for goal to prepare for a potential shortage [5]
  • October 10 – Federal Communications Commission approves license for WINA to operate [6]
  • October 14 – UVA President Colgate Darden releases report for the fiscal year that ended on June 30 and hoped to see funds to house more students on campus [7]




  1. Web. Move To Place Negro Member On Body Defeated In Balloting, Daily Progress, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, Tuesday June 21, 1949, retrieved March 27, 2023.
  2. Web. A Chronology Of Housing Legislation And Selected Executive Actions, 1892-2003, U.S. House Of Representatives, U.S. Government Printing Office,, Washington, 2003, retrieved January 25, 2019.
  3. Web. WINA Begins Night Broadcasting Sunday, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, Daily Progress, Wednesday September 8, 1954, page 3, retrieved January 25, 2024.
  4. Web. [1], Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, October 7, 1949, retrieved October 7, 2024. Print. October 7, 1949 page 1.
  5. Web. Mayor Appoints Coal Committee, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, October 8, 1949, retrieved October 7, 2024. Print. October 8, 1949 page 3.
  6. Web. Construction Permit and License Record, Federal Communications Commission, retrieved October 7, 2024.
  7. Web. Darden Tells of University Plans for Closer Supervision of 1st and 2nd Year Students, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, October 14, 1949, retrieved October 7, 2024. Print. October 14, 1949 page 1.