Renaissance School

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Renaissance School is a College Prep Private School Located in Downtown Charlottesville on Court Square. The school was founded in 1999 by a group of parents led by Nancy Knorr, who was the financial manager of The Village School at the time. In 2007, the school moved to its Current location at 418 E. Jefferson St. from its original location.[1]


Renaissance School was opened in 1999 on the downtown mall, above the Men and Boys Shop, with the first head of school, Patterson Cunningham and history teacher Lou Tanner. it was founded with the mission statement of "to create a high school that would provide a small, academically rich, interdisciplinary learning environment."[1] The school was also originally intended as a partner of The Village School as a place for the graduates to go for secondary school[2]

in 2006 the school bought the 418 E. Jefferson St. building. Due to plumbing issues with the original space the school was forced to move to the new location in 2007 where the school is currently located.[2]

in 2009 Sara Johnson was appointed head of school and the dodecahedron was decided as the school's logo.

in 2019, for the school's 20th anniversary, the raven was decided on as a mascot.[1]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Web. School History, retrieved June 6th, 2024.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Web. The 418 Project, 2023