Development is the process of changing land from one state to another for any number of purposes.
A primary reason for the original creation of cvillepedia was to track this process in Albemarle County and Charlottesville at a time when neither did not have public-facing software that allowed access. As such, cvillepedia should not be considered a complete record of development. If there is something you think should be here, please log-in and add it using the visual editor!
This portal page is intended to be an overview of the process with links to where you can get information about building permits, rezonings, the Comprehensive Plan process, and more. The immediate geographical area is for the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission.
Albemarle County
- Albemarle County Land Use Law Book
- Albemarle County Community Development Department
- Administration Division focuses on projects affecting many different aspects of the Community Development Department. Areas in which we specialize include bonding, budgets, the internal and external web presence, and forecasting, performance management. This team also oversees departmental operations in general.
- Building Division is responsible for ensuring public health, safety, and welfare associated with the design, construction, and utilization of public and private buildings. County inspectors inspect for compliance with the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. Permits must be obtained to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, convert, or demolish any building in Albemarle County. Permits are also required for installation or changes to electrical, plumbing, or mechanical systems.
- Engineering Division is responsible for overseeing the subdivision of land, managing the Stormwater Management (VSMP), Water Protection Ordinance, and Erosion and Sediment Programs as well as other engineering-related tasks. This includes reviewing submittals for subdivisions, commercial site plans, and other regulated land-disturbing activities for compliance with the County Ordinance. Engineering is also responsible for drainage improvement projects and ongoing maintenance of County-owned Stormwater facilities.
- Geographic Data Services Division is responsible for maintaining the Geographical Information System for the County and provides addressing services for both new development and 911 services.
- Planning Division is responsible for short-term and long-term planning for the County. The office reviews and prepares staff reports on potential rezonings, rezoning applications, special use permit applications, site development plans, subdivision plans, and comprehensive plan amendments. It is also responsible for coordinating the review and update of the County’s Comprehensive Plan, drafting Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance amendments as needed. Planning also serves as staff to the Planning Commission.
- Zoning Division is responsible for interpreting, administering, and enforcing the Zoning Ordinance. Applications for Variances and Home Occupation Permits are handled by the Zoning Division. Zoning reviews building permits for zoning compliance and provides information regarding setbacks, signs, site plans. The Code Compliance Team is also part of Zoning. Zoning provides staff to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
- Albemarle County View
- Albemarle County Archived Documents
- Albemarle County Geographic Information System
Development in Charlottesville is regulated by the Department of Neighborhood Development Services with some functions performed by the Office of Community Solutions.
- Department of Neighborhood Development Services
- Charlottesville Geographical Information Services
- Open Data Portal resources on property
Fluvanna County
Fluvanna County Community Development Department
Greene County
Greene County Planning and Zoning Department
Louisa County
Louisa County Community Development
Nelson County
Nelson County Planning and Zoning Department
There are many firms in the community that are part of the development sector. These include architects, civil engineers, planning firms, designers, and other kinds of companies that help projects go from an idea to a finished product.
Top-level category: Development.
Some of its popular subcategories include: