Mosby Monroe Parsons

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1861-Parsons, Mosby Monroe.JPG

Mosby Monroe Parsons (May 21, 1822August 15, 1865) was born in Charlottesville to Gustavus Adolphus Parsons, who was the last personal secretary of Thomas Jefferson.

Parsons served in the U.S. Army during the Mexican War; U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri, 1857-58; Major General in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. He was killed, along with Aaron H. Conrow and four others, by bandits in Nuevo León, Mexico on August 15, 1865 (age 43 years, 86 days).

Interment somewhere in Nuevo León; cenotaph at Maplewood Cemetery; cenotaph at Woodlawn Cemetery, Jefferson City, Mo.

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