Milton Field

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Milton Field is a former airfield located near the former port of Milton along the Rivanna River, east of Charlottesville. The property was purchased by the University of Virginia in the 1930's, and was an operational airfield from 1940 until the early 1970's. In subsequent years the University of Virginia has repurposed the property for a variety of academic and administrative uses.[1] [2] [3] The Rivanna Radio Control Club also uses the property for model aircraft flights.[4] [5]


UVA’s University Aviation Club obtained a temporary permit to use the property as an airfield by the spring of 1939. The land was owned by W. D. Haden at that time, and would be purchased by the university only after obtaining a regular airport license from the State Corporation Commission (SCC). At a hearing before the SCC in October of 1939, individuals representing nearby property owners objected to the granting of a license, complaining about the noise and low-flying planes associated with the club’s use of the airfield. However, the SCC approved the university’s request for a regular airport license on October 21, 1939.[6]

The University of Virginia held a dedication ceremony for the airport on the afternoon of April 28, 1940. The university was a participant in a United States (US) Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA) training program which played a key role in increasing the number of pilots in advance of the nation’s formal entry into World War II. [7] [8]

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  1. Web. University of Virginia Airport / Milton Field, Milton, VA, Paul Freeman, Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields: Central Virginia, retrieved August 14, 2021.
  2. Web. Milton LandLab, University of Virginia School of Architecture, retrieved August 14, 2021.
  3. Web. PHOTOS: Students from UVA and Va. Tech to Test Flying and Ground-Based Robots, Erin Edgerton, Daily Progress, Berkshire Hathaway, February 8, 2020, retrieved August 14, 2021.
  4. Web. Field Location, Rivanna Radio Control Club, retrieved August 14, 2021.
  5. Web. Rivanna Radio Control Club, Terri Allard, Charlottesville Inside Out, Virginia Public Media, March 29, 2018, retrieved August 14, 2021.
  6. Web. Corporation Body Gives Permission For Airport Here, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, retrieved August 14, 2021. Print. October 21, 1939 page 1.
  7. Web. Dedication Exercises Are Held At U. Va. Airport Near Milton, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, retrieved August 14, 2021. Print. April 29, 1940 page 1.
  8. Web. The CAA Helps America Prepare for World War II, Theresa L. Kraus, FAA Historian, United States Federal Aviation Administration, retrieved August 14, 2021.

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