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Friendship Court: 400-426 Garrett Street, ca. 2019
Redevelopment Schematic Landscape Plan, dated June 13, 2018
Kindlewood: May 2024

Kindlewood is a housing community that is undergoing a multi-phase redevelopment that will add 450 apartment units to the community. Formerly known as Friendship Court (and before that Garrett Square), the site was originally developed as a 12-acre master block following urban renewal efforts. The property was developed in 1978 with project-based Section 8 assistance from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

In addition to the newly designed mix of residential units, the new development will feature a community resource center, health clinic, creative recreational facilities, and a public water feature, which makes use of an existing stream on site.[1]

The site is jointly owned by the National Historic Trust and the Piedmont Housing Alliance until their contract is up at the end of 2032. [2] [citation needed]


Friendship Court

Friendship Court Apartments, formerly known as Garrett Square, was constructed as a 150-unit apartment complex of 22 buildings on 11.75 acres southwest of Charlottesville’s downtown business district and within what would be identified in the 2010's as the City’s Strategic Investment Area (SIA). The property was built in 1978 with project-based Section 8 assistance.

In 2002, Piedmont Housing Alliance and National Housing Trust/Enterprise Preservation Corporation (NHT/E) partnered to acquire and renovate the property. In 2019, Piedmont Housing became the managing partner for the community and acquired decision-making authority with regard to property management, services, and the business affairs of the partnership. They will eventually have the opportunity to acquire the property.[citation needed]

Redevelopment by Piedmont Housing Alliance

The first funding (Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) application for the Friendship Court redevelopment was completed in March 2018.

In March 2016, PHA announced they had been awarded a $100,000 grant from the Jessie Ball DuPont Foundation. [3] City government gave PHA a $350,000 for the effort. [4]

The firm Stantec created the original master plan. [5]

The architectural firm Grimm and Parker was hired in March 2017 to implement the plan. [6] As part of the plan, PHA is proposing amenities such as an early childhood program and a daycare. [7]

Phase 1

Redevelopment of Phase 1 had been expected to break ground spring of 2020, but was delayed multiple times due to the COVID-19 Emergency. [8]

Draft plan

An early draft plan was released on June 16, 2016. [9] However the project is under review and is changing as Piedmont Housing gets closer to taking the property over in November 2018. [10] [11]

Friendship Court Phase 1

Phase 1 will consist of three buildings that will create 106 units constructed on the existing open space at the community. The buildings will be broken out as outlined below: [12]

  • Buildings 1 & 2: 35 stacked, 2-over-2 townhomes and stacked flats. 2-, 3-, and 4-bedroom units, each with a individual front and back doors to the outside, dedicated surface parking spots near the back doors. (Buildings 1 will contain maintenance offices for the entire property.)
  • Building 3: 71 apartment units, covered parking garage beneath the building, 9,000 square feet of amenity and office space. Apartments will be single story units, arranged along central corridors on four floors served by 2 elevators.

On June 13, 2018 a preliminary site plan for the entire 11.75 acre site was submitted to the City of Charlottesville. This is the first of many submissions that will be made to the City for review and approval.

Friendship Court Phase 2

Phase 2 will also be 106 units and will be built following the demolition of 46 existing units. A hundred will be affordable rental units and six will be for home ownership. There will be tiered layers of affordability. Tier one will consist of 54 Section 8 units. Tier two will consist of 23 units for households making between #30 and 60 percent of the area median income. Tier three will be for households between 60 percent ad 80 percent of AMI. [13]


Friendship Court Funding Sources
Phase Date Source Amount Instrument Notes Document
1 June 21, 2019 VHDA / LIHTC $15,888,440 Low Income Housing Tax Credit Tax credits redeemable annually over 10 years 2019 LIHTC Final Rankings, VHDA
1 2019 VHDA SPARC/REACH $4,120,000 Below-market loan Noted in LIHTC application[14]
1 2019 VHDA $5,076,718 Loan Balance of VHDA loan noted in LIHTC application after SPARC/REACH
1 2019 Piedmont Housing Alliance /

National Housing Trust

$1,000,000 Sponsor Loan Owner equity[14]
1 October 19, 2020 City of Charlottesville $6,000,000 Tax abatement On tax increment, up to 40 years or total amount is met Performance Agreement
1 October 19, 2020 City of Charlottesville $5,545,159 Forgivable loan Loan period of 40 years. Requires 99 years affordability. Ordinance Authorizing Forgivable Loan
1 February 11, 2020 DHCD / ASNH $2,000,000 Deferred principal loan Affordable and Special Needs Housing program[15][16]
  • Interest-only at 3%
Press Release
1 July 8, 2021 DHCD / ASNH $1,500,000 Deferred principal loan Home Innovations In Energy Efficiency (HIEE)[17][18] Press Release
1 July 8, 2021 DHCD / ASNH $200,000 Deferred principal loan National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF)[17][18] Press Release
1 July 8, 2021 DHCD / ASNH $200,000 Deferred principal loan Virginia Housing Trust Fund (VHTF)[17][18] Press Release
ELCC 2021 Perry Foundation $333,000 Grant For construction of the Early Learning and Community Center[19][20] Press Release
ELCC August 31, 2021 Early Childhood Funders Network $667,000 Grant For construction of the Early Learning and Community Center[19][20]
  • 2:1 match for Perry Foundation grant
Press Release
1 2021 VHDA / LIHTC $1,500,000 Low Income Housing Tax Credit Supplemental LIHTC allocation. Equates to $1,364,863 in equity.
ELCC 2022 Federal Budget, via HUD $625,000 FY23 Omnibus Bill Earmark Requested by Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner List of Congressionally-Directed Spending Items
Capital Improvement Program Allocations (*projected)
Line Item FY20[21] FY21 FY22[22] FY23*[23] FY24* FY25* FY26* FY27*
Friendship Court Infrastructure Improvements $1,540,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000
Friendship Court Redevelopment - Phase 1 $4,005,159 $394,841
Friendship Court Redevelopment - Phase 2 $750,000 $2,500,000
Friendship Court Redevelopment - Phase 3 $750,000 $2,500,000
Friendship Court Redevelopment - Phase 4 $2,250,000

(FY22: $4.5m)




  1. Web. KINDLEWOOD, Timmons Group, Inc., retrieved January 1, 2025.
  2. Web. Temporary housing: Will Friendship Court stay affordable without federal funding?, Laura Ingles, C-VILLE Weekly, Portico Publications, May 28, 2013, retrieved January 1, 2025. Print. May 28, 2013 .
  3. Web. Piedmont Housing Alliance gets grant for Friendship Court engagement, Staff reports, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, March 8, 2016, retrieved December 31, 2016.
  4. Web. Council set to adopt SIA action plan, Chris Suarez, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, April 3, 2016, retrieved January 2, 2017.
  5. Web. Friendship Court architect: Urban density increases vibrancy, but must be made equitable, Aaron Richardson, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, November 10, 2016, retrieved June 26, 2017.
  6. Web. Architectural firm hired for Friendship Court redevelopment, Sean Tubbs, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, March 13, 2017, retrieved December 28, 2017.
  7. Web. Friendship Court planning early childhood, workforce development programs, Josh Mandell, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, March 31, 2017, retrieved December 28, 2017.
  8. Web. Friendship Court Redevelopment Update: Phase 1 Construction to Begin in the Fall, Piedmont Housing Alliance, June 4, 2020, retrieved January 1, 2025.
  9. Web. Draft master plan for Friendship Court revealed, Sean Tubbs, Charlottesville Tomorrow, June 16, 2016, retrieved January 11, 2017.
  10. Web. Piedmont Housing Alliance re-examining Friendship Court plans, Sean Tubbs, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, October 13, 2017, retrieved March 5, 2018.
  11. Web. PHA to consult every resident of Friendship Court on redevelopment, Julie Zink, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, February 24, 2018, retrieved March 5, 2018.
  12. Web. [ A Glimpse at Friendship Court’s Future from the Outside], LaTasha Durrett, Blog Post, April 30, 2019, retrieved September 1, 2019.
  13. Web. Support for Friendship Court Redevelopment – Phase 2, Brenda Kelley, Resolution, February 1, 2021, retrieved January 31, 2021.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Web. 2019 Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program Application For Reservation – Friendship Court Phase I, VHDA, March 2019, retrieved 2021-10-27.
  15. Web. Phase 1 Receives $2 million in Funding, Piedmont Housing Alliance, Feb 11, 2020, retrieved 2021-10-27.
  16. Web. Governor Northam Announces Nearly $12 Million in Funding for 25 Affordable Housing and Homeless Reduction Projects, Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development, Jan 27, 2020, retrieved 2021-10-27.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Web. Funding will support new construction and rehabilitation of 1,266 affordable and permanent supportive housing units, Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development, Jul 8, 2021, retrieved 2021-10-27.
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Web. July 8, 2021: Albemarle updates housing policy, but still working on incentives for developers, Charlottesville Community Engagement, Jul 8, 2021, retrieved 2021-10-27.
  19. 19.0 19.1 Web. Grant funding for early learning, community center at Friendship Court, CBS19 News, Aug 31, 2021, retrieved 2021-10-27.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Web. Early Childhood Funders Network (ECFN) Announces Grant to Piedmont Housing Alliance (PHA) for Early Learning and Community Center at Friendship Court, Facebook – Albemarle Magazine, Aug 31, 2021, retrieved 2021-10-27.
  21. Web. Operating & Capital Improvement Budget: Fiscal Year 2019-20, City of Charlottesville, 2019, retrieved 2021-10-27.
  22. Web. Operating & Capital Improvement Budget: Fiscal Year 2021-22, City of Charlottesville, 2021, retrieved 2021-10-27.
  23. Web. Operating & Capital Improvement Budget: Fiscal Year 2022-23, City of Charlottesville, 2022, retrieved 2022-11-30.