Kathleen M. Galvin

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Kathleen M. Galvin
20110518-Galvin Kathy.jpg
Kathleen M. Galvin (D)

Candidate for
Virginia's 57th House of Delegates District
Democratic Nomination
Party Democrat
Election June 11, 2019
For term to start 2020
Term End 2022

Term Start January 1, 2012
Term End December 31, 2019

Term Start 2008
Term End 2011

Biographical Information

Date of birth May 14, 1956
Age 68
Place of birth Brockton, MA
Spouse Michael Costanzo
Children Patrick & Kevin
Residence North Downtown
Alma mater Boston University,B.A. Economics & Geography; University of Virginia, M.A. Architecture
Profession Architect
Website Campaign website
Campaign $ VPAP
Contributions $ VPAP

Kathleen M. Galvin is a professional registered architect, urban designer, planner and former elected official.

Charlottesville City School Board

She is a former member of the Charlottesville School Board and one of three Democrats nominated that year in a seven-way primary. [1]

City Council

Galvin was first elected to a four year term on the Charlottesville City Council (2012-2013) / Charlottesville City Council (2014-2015) in the 2011 election.[2]

On November 3, 2015, in the 2015 election, she won re-election to a second term;[3] serving on the Charlottesville City Council (2016-2017) / Charlottesville City Council (2018-2019)


She won a second nomination in the June 9, 2015 Democratic primary for the 2015 election. [4]

Galvin announced on March 14, 2019 that she would seek the Democratic nomination for Virginia's 57th House of Delegates District. [5] She lost to Sally Hudson in the primary.


Galvin was against projects that would continue auto-centric uses, such as a drive-through window granted for a Zaxby's restaurant at 1248 Emmet Street. [6] At her first City Council meeting on January 3, 2012, Galvin said professional design and the public process did not have to be mutually exclusive. [7]


Galvin is a practicing architect. In 1993, she became principal of her own practice, Galvin Architects. [8]

Galvin is the site design architect for Old Trail Village in Crozet, and was also involved in the early development of the Places29 transportation study. She worked with the Renaissance Planning Group on the Eastern Planning Initiative and the Crozet Master Plan. [8]

Galvin received a BA in Economics and Geography from Boston University in 1978 and an MA in Architecture from the University of Virginia in 1986. Since 2001, she has been an adjunct faculty member in the University of Virginia, Department of Planning, teaching courses in Neighborhood-based Design and Planning and Graphics. [8]

She is originally from Brockton, Massachussets[9]

Committee assignments

In January 2016, Galvin was named to the following committees: [10]

2019 election for Virginia's 57th House of Delegates District

June 11, 2019 Primary results

Candidates Votes %
Sally Hudson (D) 6,148 65.54
Kathy Galvin (D) 3,232 34.46
Source: Virginia State Board of Elections[11]

2015 election for City Council

Candidates Votes %
Wes Bellamy (D) 4,688 29.67
Kathleen M. Galvin (D) incumbent 4,590 29.05
Mike Signer (D) 4,309 27.28
Anson Parker (R) 1,208 7.65
Scott Bandy (I) 691 4.37
Write-In 312 3.0
Source: State Board of Elections[12]

Each voter could vote for up to three candidates.

Candidate Profile Resources
Candidate Kathy Galvin (D)
Office Charlottesville City Council
Election year 2015 election
Logo-small25.jpg Candidate interviews by Charlottesville Tomorrow
Candidate interview transcript
Candidate interview audio

Source website

2011 election for City Council

Galvin ran on the slogan "Greener, Smarter, Stronger By Design" in her election. [13]

Candidates Votes %
Satyendra Huja (D) incumbent 4,608 33.3
Kathleen Galvin (D) 4,601 33.2
Deirdre “Dede” Smith (D) 4,547 41.2
Bob Fenwick (I) 2,539 53.7
Brandon Collins (I) 1,477 31.2
Andrew Williams (I) 994 25.0
Scott Bandy (I) 399 3.6
Paul Long (I) 313 7.9
Write-In 133 3.0
Source: City of Charlottesville[14]

Each voter could vote for up to three candidates.

Campaign announcement


===Charlottesville Democrats Candidate Video=== [15] <youtube>hV4_HNZ6aQc</youtube>

Candidate Profile Resources
Candidate Kathy Galvin (D) - Challenger
Office Charlottesville City Council
Election year 2011 election
Logo-small25.jpg Candidate interviews by Charlottesville Tomorrow
Candidate interview transcript
Candidate interview audio

Source website


Galvin received an endorsement from Rob Schilling.[16] However, it was fairly satirical in nature, and Galvin replied in kind. [17]


Questions and answers published in The Daily Progress on August 14, 2011.[18]

Do you support construction of the Meadow Creek Parkway in the city?

Yes — it means better access to jobs, more households to support and grow our downtown businesses, and a growing tax base to pay for amenities and services such as excellent public schools and parks. It’s an important element of better connectivity, to support stronger bus service and diffuse traffic bottlenecks like Route 29; the overall design also includes two-way bike lanes and multi use trails, to help us leave our cars at home when possible. If I am elected, the parkway will be part of a holistic regional plan to reduce sprawl, preserve farmland and shrink our ecological footprint.

Do you support the approved water supply plan or a different approach?

I support the earthen dam at Ragged Mountain Reservoir, because it makes environmental and economic sense.To be authorized by DEQ under the law, our water supply plan must meet both human and natural habitat needs; no one has shown that dredging alone could do that. The Council Compromise Plan strikes the right balance between conservation and ensuring an adequate, permanent water supply — and it doesn’t preclude the elective dredging RWSA plans to do for the Rivanna Reservoir.We’ve spent $5 million since 2006 studying this issue; let’s redirect our energies and limited resources to address other important issues.

What is the most important thing the city can do to create jobs?

Show businesses that the city “works” — for employers and for workers. Businesses considering Charlottesville need to see a well prepared workforce (education and skills training, for adults, as well as children), a good multi-modal transportation network and solid physical infrastructure buildings, as well as the water, power and other systems that support them).They should see a community that supports its home-grown entrepreneurs, cares for the environment by minimizing its footprint and welcomes families and people at all ages and stages of their lives. When businesses see a good“home” for themselves and their employees, the jobs will follow.

Does the city have an affordable housing problem? What should council do?

There are at least two concerns: lack of city housing that teachers, first responders and others in the workforce can afford (to buy or rent); and pockets of concentrated public and assisted housing which have become socio-economically isolated from their surrounding neighbors. It’s a sadly perfect example of how looking at a“problem” piecemeal can frustrate efforts to“solve” it; these issues require attention to economic, employment, transportation and education elements as much as the actual roof-over-your-head element in order to make progress.That’s council’s job — to help citizens step back, assess complicated situations and attack them on multiple fronts to move forward.

What should the city do on the issue of addressing poverty?

We can work with residents in areas where poverty is most physically concentrated to come up with principles, priorities and strategies to expand economic opportunities, like PVCC and CATEC “storefronts” focused on adult learning and jobspecific training programs, and equitable neighborhood revitalization efforts that de-concentrate lowincome housing without displacing residents and increase income levels, savings and wealth for existing residents.We can work on meeting the needs of workers — child care, transportation, and so on — because when folks have the dignity of good work, socio-economically diverse neighborhoods develop naturally, to everyone’s benefit.

What is the city’s biggest challenge in transportation?

We need greater connectivity and transportation choice to distribute vehicular traffic and more workforce housing in the city to support public transit. Some neighborhoods on the county border bear an unfair share of the everyday traffic burden, in part because there aren’t enough different ways to get“from A to B” within the city to diffuse traffic more evenly.The Meadow Creek Parkway, Hillsdale Drive Extended, the Fontaine-Sunset Connector and other such projects will serve to increase connectivity for multiple modes of transportation. Strategic and sensitive infill along our growth corridors, with housing for a range of income levels, will bring the ridership needed to sustain an excellent public transportation system.

What will be your top priority if elected?

We need to re-establish our commitment to being a well-functioning governing body; it won’t do any good to have council be transparent and accountable (things it must always be) if all we produce is dysfunction and discord.To be good partners with each other as councilors, with Charlottesville residents, and with our neighboring jurisdictions and UVa, we have to step back and focus on why we’re on council, and what we need to do to best serve each citizen and the common good. Council needs that bedrock consensus to tackle complex issues and help make Charlottesville an even better place.

2007 election for School Board

Candidates Votes %
Kathleen M. Galvin (I) 3,240 66.27
Colette E. Blount (I) 2,972 TBD
Llezelle A. Dugger (I) 2,497 51.3
Alvin Edwards (I) 2,370 48.7
W. Grant Brownrigg (I) 1,852 38.39
Sean M. McCord (I) 1,649 33.73
Lynette B. Meynig (I) 1,182 TBD
Write-In 79 N/A


Each voter could vote for up to four candidates.[21]


  1. Web. Recount confirms Democratic Council noms, Graham Moomaw, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, August 22, 2011, retrieved August 23, 2011.
  2. Web. Dems sweep City Council elections, Graham Moomaw, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, November 8, 2011, retrieved November 8, 2011.
  3. Web. 2015 November General - Unofficial Results, Virginia State Board of Elections, November 3, 2015, retrieved November 3, 2015.
  4. Web. So far, five Democrats to vie for 3 City Council nominations in June primary, Staff Reports, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, February 24, 2015, retrieved February 25, 2015.
  5. Web. Galvin to seek Democratic nod for 57th District seat, Nolan Stout, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, March 7, 2019, retrieved March 8, 2019.
  6. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, September 6, 2019.
  7. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, January 3, 2012.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Web. Kathleen Galvin, Architect, Charlottesville, VA, retrieved February 16, 2011.
  9. https://www.cvilletomorrow.org/articles/kathy-galvin
  10. E-mail. Paige Rice, City of Charlottesville. "RE: list of appointments." Message to Sean Tubbs, Charlottesville Tomorrow. January 7, 2016.
  11. Web. 2019 June Democratic Primary Unofficial Results, State Board of Elections, June 11, 2019, retrieved June 12, 2019.
  12. Web. 2015 November General, State Board of Elections, November 4, 2011, retrieved July 28, 2016.
  13. Web. Council's elected Dems design next steps, Chiara Canzi, C-VILLE Weekly, Portico Publications, November 15, 2011, retrieved November 16, 2011. Print. November 15, 2011 .
  14. Web. Official Results November 8, 2011 General Election, City of Charlottesville, 8 Nov. 2011, retrieved 15 Nov. 2011.
  15. Web. Kathleen M. Galvin: Candidate for City Council, Charlottesville City Democrats, 31 July 2011, retrieved 8 August 2011.
  16. Web. Political endorsement: Schilling Show supports Kathy Galvin in Charlottesville Democrat Firehouse Primary, Aug 17, 2011
  17. Web. Pride before a fall: Galvin campaign reacts to Schilling endorsement, Kathleen Galvin, August 18, 2011, retrieved November 16, 2011.
  18. Web. Democratic hopefuls weigh in on the issues, Graham Moomaw, The Daily Progress, 14 August 2011, retrieved 15 August 2011.
  19. "November 6, 2007 General Election Official Results." Virginia Voter Information. Web. <https://www.voterinfo.sbe.virginia.gov/election/DATA/2007/196E44FA-8B19-4240-9A44-737216DAA55D/Unofficial/00_540_s.shtml>
  20. "Charlottesville : Past Local Elections." Charlottesville : Home. Web. <http://www.charlottesville.org/index.aspx?page=120>
  21. Deegan, Matt. "City School Board Shakeup in Works." Daily Progress. 21 Apr. 2007. Web. <http://www2.dailyprogress.com/news/cdp-news-local/2007/apr/21/city_school_board_shakeup_in_works_04_21_07_cdp-ar-86551/>
