Juandiego R. Wade

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Juandiego R. Wade
Juan Wade.jpg
Democratic Party

For term to start 2018

Term Start 2006
Term End 2017

Term Start 2010
Term End 2010

Term Start 2014
Term End 2014

Biographical Information

Date of birth January 11, 1966

Juandiego R. Wade was elected to the Charlottesville City Council on November 2, 2021. He was unanimously named Mayor on January 2, 2024. [1] [2]

Charlottesville City Council (2022-2023)

Committee assignments

Wade was assigned to the following committees:[3]

  • Minority Business Commission
  • School Capital Projects
  • Social Services Advisory
  • Charlottesville Albemarle Convention and Visitors Bureau
  • Jefferson Area Board for Aging Board of Directors (JABA)

Before being elected to Council, Wade served four terms on the Charlottesville City School Board. He ran unopposed in the 2013 election and in the 2017 election. [4] [5] [6] [7]

The Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce named Wade as the 2019 recipient of the Paul Goodloe McIntire Citizenship Award. [8]

Wade announced his candidacy for Charlottesville City Council on January 11, 2021. [9] [10] [11]

Wade's final School Board meeting was on December 2, 2021. [12]

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2021 election

Wade announced his candidacy for City Council on January 11, 2021. He placed first in a three-way race for two seats.

Candidates Votes %
Juandiego Wade (D) 11,730 42.51
Brian Pinkston (D) 10,161 36.82
Yasmine Washington (I) 3,482 12.62
Nikuyah Walker (I) 1,928 6.99
Write-In 292 1.06
Source: Virginia State Board of Elections[13]

Voters could cast two votes, one for each of the two seats available, hence the percentages do not total 100%. Walker withdrew from the race but was still listed on the ballot

2017 election for School Board

Candidates Votes %
Lisa Larson-Torres 10,048 33.73
Juandiego R. Wade 9,846 33.05
Leah W. Puryear 9,556 32.08
Write-In 339 1.14
Source: Virginia Department of Elections[14]

Each voter could vote for up to three candidates.

2013 election for School Board

Candidates Votes %
Ned Michie (I) 7,436 33.66
Leah Puryear (I) 7,357 33.31
Juandiego Wade (I) 7,136 32.31
Write-In 160 .72
Source: Virginia State Board of Elections[15]

Each voter could vote for up to two candidates.

Candidate Profile Resources
Candidate Juandiego R. Wade
Office Charlottesville School Board
Election year 2013 election
Logo-small25.jpg Candidate interviews by Charlottesville Tomorrow
Candidate interview transcript
Candidate interview audio

Source website

2009 election for School Board

Candidates Votes %
Edmund R. "Ned" Michie 6,027 Unknown
Leah W. Puryear 5,562 Unknown
Juandiego R. Wade 5,500 Unknown
Write-In 571 Unknown
Source: City of Charlottesville[16]

Overall voter turnout for City of Charlottesville in this election was 37.31%[17]. Each voter could vote for up to three candidates.[18]

2006 election for School Board

Candidates Votes %
Edmund R. "Ned" Michie 3,101 24.87
Leah W. Puryear 2,426 19.45
Juandiego R. Wade 2,370 19.01
Susan W. "Sue" Lewis 2,077 16.66
Charles W. Kollmansperger 1,695 13.59
Vance D. High 760 6.09
Write-In 41 0.33
Source: Virginia State Board of Elections[19]

Voters could cast three votes, one for each of the three seats available, hence the percentages do not total 100%.

External Links


  1. Web. Juandiego Wade named mayor of Charlottesville, Jason Armesto, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, January 2, 2024, retrieved January 3, 2024.
  2. Web. [1], Sean Tubbs, News Article, Town Crier Productions, January 6, 2024, retrieved December 13, 2024.
  3. Web. Agendas & Minutes City Council Meeting, City of Charlottesville, January 05, 2022, retrieved May 2, 2023.
  4. Web. School Board candidates finalized; No contested races, Andrew Quarles, Charlottesville Tomorrow, June 11, 2013, retrieved June 12, 2013.
  5. Web. Pinkston and Wade to fill city council seats, Macy Moors, News Article, CBS19 News, November 3, 2021, retrieved November 17, 2021.
  6. Web. ELECTION RESULTS: Wade, Pinkston win Charlottesville City Council, Paige keeps Albemarle County School Board seat, Charlotte Rene Woods & Jessie Higgins, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, November 2, 2021, retrieved November 17, 2021.
  7. Web. Wade and Pinkston win City Council seats, WINA Staff, News Article, Newsradio 1070 WINA, retrieved November 17, 2021.
  8. Web. Juandiego Wade to receive 2019 Paul Goodloe McIntire Citizenship Award, Staff Reports, News Article, Newsradio 1070 WINA, October 22, 2019, retrieved October 23, 2019.
  9. Web. January 11, 2021: Juandiego Wade announces Charlottesville City Council candidacy, Sean Tubbs, Charlottesville Community Engagement, Town Crier Productions, January 11, 2021, retrieved January 11, 2021.
  10. Web. School Board member Wade announces bid for City Council, Charlotte Rene Woods, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, January 11, 2021, retrieved January 11, 2021.
  11. Web. School Board member Wade announces run for City Council, Nolan Stout, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, January 11, 2021, retrieved January 11, 2021.
  12. Web. Wade, Puryear wrap up 15-year tenure on Charlottesville School Board, Katherine Knott, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, December 3, 2021, retrieved December 10, 2021.
  13. Web. [ 2021 November General Results - Albemarle County], Virginia Department of Elections, November 17, 2021, retrieved November 17, 2021.
  14. Web. Virginia Department of Elections, retrieved November 8, 2017.
  15. Web. Charlottesville City Council Election Results, Virginia State Board of Elections, retrieved November 11, 2013.
  16. Official Results November 3, 2009 General Election. City of Charlottesville, 6 Nov. 2009. Web. 6 Nov. 2009. <http://www.charlottesville.org/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=14908>.
  17. Official Results November 3, 2009 General Election. City of Charlottesville, 6 Nov. 2009. Web. 6 Nov. 2009. <http://www.charlottesville.org/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=14908>.
  18. Dixit, Rachana. "3 School Board Members Announce Re-election Bids." Daily Progress. 20 Mar. 2009. Web. <http://www2.dailyprogress.com/news/cdp-news-local/2009/mar/20/3_school_board_members_announce_re-election_bids-ar-64629/>
  19. Local Election - May 2, 2006 State Board of Elections. retrieved 5 Jul 2009.