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← 1990 Janus.jpg This article is about the year 1991
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1992 →

This article is a date listing important or significant events that happened (or will happen) on events for the year 1991


  • May 11 – The first paid gig for the newly conceived Dave Matthews Band was at a private party held on the rooftop of the pink warehouse on South Street in downtown Charlottesville,[1]in which they collected about $70 by passing around a hat. Regular gigs soon followed at two local clubs – Eastern Standard and Trax Nightclub.
  • June 3 – City Council adopted zoning ordinance change that created the R-1A zoning code [2]
  • June 17Charlottesville City Council denies special use permit for 30-unit Fifeville Square on King Street [3]
  • July 15 – City Council held a public hearing on the levying of fees on dumpsters. At the time, the cost of trash collection was covered by the city's general fund. [4]




  1. Web. [1], DMB, August 29, 2022, retrieved August 29, 2022.
  2. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, June 3, 1991.. . Also available in older archive.
  3. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, June 17, 1991.. . Also available in older archive.
  4. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, July 15, 1991.