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← 1946 Janus.jpg This article is about the year 1947
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  1. Web. Confederate Graves in Charlottesville Cemeteries, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, January 29 1947, retrieved February 23 2023.
  2. Web. Darden named president of U.Va., Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, March 31 1947, retrieved February 23 2023.
  3. Web. Walter C. Smith chosen to coach Lane High teams, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, February 14 1947, retrieved February 23 2023. Print. page 2.
  4. Web. President Truman spends busy Fourth of July here, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, July 5 1947, retrieved February 23 2023.
  5. Web. Study of Phone Rates Ordered, Daily Progress, page 3, Tuesday August 19, 1947, retrieved March 23, 2023.