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← 1852 Janus.jpg This article is about the year 1853
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1854 →


  • April 11 – The Virginia General Assembly passed a law requiring the systematic statewide recording of births and deaths. The law required every commissioner of revenue to make an annual registration of births and deaths in his district at the same time personal property subject to taxation was ascertained. The law went into effect on July 1, 1853, and continued until 1896, when an economy-conscious legislature repealed the recording provisions. [1]
  • "Free Negro and Mulatto Tax Records," free negro tax lists and free negro delinquent tax lists were compiled by the commissioner of the revenue for tax purposes, and records the names of free adult Black persons and persons of color within a district, as well as children, place of abode, and trade or occupation for the adult males and females. "Free negro delinquent tax lists" records names of free Black persons returned delinquent and sometimes why returned, such as "no property," "removed," or "not found, as well as listing the known effects and the amount of taxes owed by each person listed. This also includes "Nonresident list of free negroes and mulattoes," which records the names of free Black persons and persons of color, listing the known effects and the amount of taxes owed by each person.






  1. Web. [ About the Death Index of Virginia, 1853-1896 url= http://www.lva.virginia.gov/public/guides/opac/dripabout.htm author=staff work= publisher=Library of Virginia location= publishdate= accessdate=June 1, 2019]

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