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← 1799 Janus.jpg This article is about the year 1800
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1801 →

U.S. Inflation Rate, $100 in 1790 to 1800

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index, prices in 1800 were 36.96% higher than prices in 1790. The dollar experienced an average inflation rate of 3.19% per year during this period. In other words, $100 in 1790 was equivalent in purchasing power to $136.96 in 1800, a difference of $36.96 over 10 years.


  • August 4 – The second Census of United States was conducted on this day. This would be the last census in which Virginia was the most populous state. The original manuscript schedules for the First and Second United States Census Returns for Virginia, taken in 1790 and 1800, were destroyed when the British Army occupied Washington, D.C., in August 1814. The schedules, which named the heads of households and contained the number of inhabitants in each household, were lost, and only published abstracts containing the number of inhabitants of each county survive. [1]






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